The Journey Begins

WP_20180405_09_53_32_ProThanks for joining me!  Living in Winchester and then Hamble-le-Rice on the Hampshire Coast, we have found many walks that we enjoy, and thought that you might too, so decided to tell you about them.

These posts will describe in words and pictures the beautiful countryside, Town, and Village walks we’ve discovered.  Some are short some are long, all have a charm of their own.

Having survived Lime Disease, Pericarditis, a Melanoma, and a Bunion,  I’m guessing that if that lot didn’t get me, I’m probably immortal,  and I walk cross country to stay that way; so far it’s worked.

Having said this, cross country walking brings rewards  beyond the physical; the pleasure and peace of mind that only nature and a sense of history can bring to the soul.

Ok I’m an atheist, so should really say “…can bring to your brain chemistry to release endorphins” true but not as poetic.

In any case, I hope you enjoy the walks described, whether you walk them, or just read them.   If you do leave a comment or a rating, I’d love to hear from you.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Sunset over Fawley from Hamble Beach